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Mental Health in the Face of COVID-19

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

We heard of this story, that hits close to home. A local nurse in recovery at JFK Medical Center in West Palm Beach, recently relapsed and overdosed after working tirelessly on the front lines with COVID patients.

Let’s talk about mental health in the face of COVID-19. Specifically for us alcoholics and addicts, this is a particularly trying time when our “normal” support systems look different. We may not be getting to our regular meetings, seeing our sponsors in person or just the usual familiar faces we see at meetings that make us feel safe and at home. Yes, we may be meeting virtually, but that doesn’t mean we don’t feel “off”. It’s critical now more than ever that we reach out to our supports, that we utilize the steps, that we seek help from mental health professionals.

We know that recovery is a journey and not a destination, we also know that it’s not all the outside “stuff” that keeps us clean and sober. It’s our spiritual condition, our connection to our higher power and our fellows. Our spiritual condition is of course affected by how we are properly treating ourselves. We require a spiritual solution AND a program of action, which can include all types of support systems. And most importantly, let’s remember that we are not alone; just as it were true when the steps of recovery were formed, we are not alone in our problem – and we are certainly not alone in our solution.

This strange time of quarantine and transition from quarantine to routine is so important for us to band together and support our brothers and sisters in recovery! #youarenotalone #rrr #resiliencerecovery #soberlife #thereisasolution #notatheory

Praying for this man and his family We are so grateful to everyone on the front lines.

Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Gary Silverman, MA, LMHC, QS, MCAP

Gary Silverman, MA, LMHC, QS, MCAP

Gary brings over two decades of experience in behavioral healthcare, specializing in addiction and mental health treatment. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and former Clinical Director, he has worked across all levels of care, developing innovative programs like a Young Adult track to address the unique needs of 18–30-year-olds.